
Friday, June 17, 2011

Imaginary Clothes

With all of my things packed away, I have surprisingly little to do. At first, I just watched a lot of Dead Like Me, but after spending my life sitting around and watching four episodes of a show whose basic message is "don't waste life while you have it," I had to stop. Study French? Non. I'm a bit tired of French (lately, I've had a bit of an obsession with trying to translate my every thought into French) and I think I'm going to get enough of it starting Sunday (and the four weeks that follow too). Then it came to me: I'll just make imaginary outfits for some imaginary, but fabulous woman with ModCloth stuff (because their stuff is simply the best). I used to love imaginarily shopping for houses on Remax when I was little (I hate the suburbs immensly and always have) and this is basically the same thing.
An outfit for an fabulous cocktail party.
A classy everyday outfit.
A cute little professional outfit (I don't know if professional people would really wear this. The only work environment I've ever regulared is school and most of the teacher's don't care what they wear at all).
Just something where, intentionally, nothing matches (I always love wearing those!).
Just something really classy.

(All of these are from the fabulous except the Amelia Earhart necklace which is from

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