
Monday, September 5, 2011

Television, Television

(I know this isn't an outfit post but I thought this song was just very fitting)

Ok, so I have some annoying exposition information to get into first, I apologize. First off, the only magazine I read is Nylon-I have no specific reason why except that I do. The other day I was at Walgreens and they had Nylon magazines for sale so I opened it up and it had a two page story about my absolute favorite band ever: Beirut. I, therefore, was personally obligated to buy it. The edition just so happened to be their TV edition and their little list of their favorite shows coming up this fall (most of them sounded boring to me actually) got me thinking about what my favorite TV shows of all time are. I thought I might as well share them...

10. The Soup
The whole country is probably familiar to some degree with this show. It is on E! every Friday evening summing up the hilarity that has ensued over the past week in television with funny little side comments by Joel McHale. Simply put, it is rediculously hilarious.

9. Scrubs
Again, most people are probably familiar with this show, but it is a sitcom from a few years ago that takes place in a hospital in Los Angeles, specifically following the life of Doctor John Dorian and his friends. It is both extremely funny and intriguing at the same time, mixing the unavoidable drama that is to be found in such a setting with the good humor of the everyday lives of those trying to make it through in one piece.

8. The Ricky Gervais Show
This show is actually a british cartoon on HBO that simply animates a podcast by comedians Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant and their former producer Carl Pilkington. The whole thing is basically centered around the strange thoughts of Carl that range from overly-simplisitc philosophy to stories from his life to answering strange questions fed to him from the comedians (i.e. Who is your favorite freak?) It honestly is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.

7. Psych
This is a show on USA about a charming, amazingly intelligent, yet somewhat lazy man named Sean Spencer who, after years of detective training from his father, decides to use his talents to pretend to be a psychic and help the Santa Barbara Police Dept. It sounds rather stupid, I know, but it's actually extremely clever in the mysteries he encounters, and the interactions between the clever and lazy Sean and his high-strung partner Guss are absolutely to die for.

6. Friday Night Dinner
This is another british comedy that I, as an American, watch on BBC America. I have no idea what it is in England. Basically, the title sums the whole thing up quite nicely. Every Friday night, a couple of sons go to visit their parents for dinner and perform a random assortment of humorous stunts inherent in everyday life. What I love about the show is that it is both rediculous and believable at the same time. All of the large jokes I could actually see taking place in real life despite their over-the-top nature. A mother who is too nice to tell their creepy neighbor to leave them alone. A slightly deaf father who is stubbornly attached to an old magazine collection. A couple of sons who love to pull random pranks on each other such as putting salt in their water when the other isn't looking. I have never laughed harder, honestly, than when one of the sons tried to give the father a high-five and, as his dad recoiled in random horror, accidentally hit his arm. So random yet so surprisingly funny.

5. Being Human
This is another british TV show that I watch on BBC America. I just starting watching last season and was blown out of socks. It follows the lives of four room-mates where one just happens to be a ghost, one is a vampire, and two are werewolves. I know every one of those stereotypes are so over-done in today's society, which is specifically why I avoided it for so long. Being Human, however, doesn't focus on what makes the characters different from the human audience, but instead focuses on what in them makes them similar, perhaps even making the human race out more as monster than the accepted stereotypes. It is fascinating and beautifully done, to say the least.

4. Monty Python's Flying Circus
Again, another british comedy, yet this one I have only seen on DVD since it was made in the 70s and has long been off the air. This show is probably one of the most famous shows, and group of people for that matter, that England has ever produced, and for good reason. It is a sketch show revolving, honestly, around absolutely nothing. One minute, a man will be going in for a shave with a blood-thirsty barber and the next the barber will be singing about how he always wished he'd been a lumberjack/woman! I believe I need say no more. It is funny. Very funny.

3. Doctor Who
Is it getting obvious I like british TV? This is ANOTHER british TV show that I watch on Saturday evenings on BBC Amerca (just before Friday Night Dinner actually). It is a science fiction show following the Doctor, a time lord alien who travels time and space saving just about everyone he meets from some alien phenomenon or something in an old police box called the Tardus. Specifically, I must add, number three only goes to Matt Smith, Karen Gillian, and Arthur Darvill, the others I like but not nearly as much as the eleventh. I don't really have much to elaborate on. It is exciting, fun, dramatic, funny, interesting, well-written, well-directed, well-acted-everything you would ever want in a television series, in my opinion.

2. Dresscue Me
This is such a frivolus, empty show, I must admit, but I LOVE it to death. It is on planet green and I have yet to find out when the new series starts. It is a relaty show about a vintage clothing store in Los Angelos called Shareen Vintage. It is, honest to God, just about dresses and fashion in general. How could I help but be in love?

1. Dead Like Me
This is a Canadian-American show from 2003/2004 that I believe was once on Showtime but I now stream it through Netflix. It follows a group of undead grim reapers and their lives after death. Specifically, the main character is Georgia Lass who was killed by a toilet seat that fell from the soviet space station at 18 years old in the first episode. In her life, Georgia did close to nothing except antagonize her parents and ignore her little sister. In death, and throughout the show, she is then forced to cope with the fact that her life was wasted and that, as an undead grim reaper, she can't try to regain the lost moments. The show also examines the undead lives of Rube, the group's leader who is constantly a somber reminder that they all must remain on the fringe of life, Mason, a drug-addict and drunk while both living and dead, Daisy, a former actress who died on the set of Gone With the Wind and who struggles with the empty love that she has recieved her whole life, and Roxy, a bad-ass police woman who was murdered in the 80s over the invetnion of leg-warmers. It also follows the living lives of Georgia's family and how they each try to cope with her death (Mr. Lass-cheating on his wife, Mrs. Lass- organizing the crap out of their house, Reggie- introverted anger). It is fascinating to say the least and says more about life itself through its focus on death than any other show I know of.
Dead Like Me tv show photo

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